Ready For School Program
Learn a letter a day with Mini Prep’s school readiness program for beginners.
Ready For School Program
Learn your alphabet in 28 days of fun!
Learn a letter a day with Mini Prep’s school readiness program for beginners
(3-5 year olds)
Our Ready for School Program is for reading and writing preparation with a major focus on developing essential pre school skills for big school tasks like writing, cutting, moving puzzle pieces, buttoning, zipping, using a fork and spoon and tying shoe laces.
To develop essential literacy skills we believe that a mixture of worksheets, messy, hands on play and digital access allows a child to be ready for big school.
We focus on letter recognition and their sounds for reading and writing, motor skills to enhance our little and big muscles, and physical activity to promote healthy and active lifestyle. Our program extends children’s learning to problem solve, explore, create, imagine and make choices, holistically preparing our mini people for big school.
We have designed a flexible program to suit your family, lifestyle and schedule. Play and learn when it suits you.
Prepare your mini person for big school, whilst becoming a confident learner.
How to use the 28 day program
You will receive daily emails for 6 weeks inclusive of a -z worksheets, activities, expert tips and play ideas for an understanding of the English alphabet. They will offer lesson plans that will take no more than half an hour a day or if your schedule allows stretch it to hours of fun and learning. The weekend emails will be filled with fun activities the whole family can enjoy.
What your child will learn
- Learn the alphabet in the English language
- Letter sounds
- Uppercase and lowercase letter recognition
- Tracing
- Matching lower and upper case letters
- Pencil grip
- Fine and Gross motor skill activities
- Games and activities that extend on learning
- increased memory
- Learn through play